Wednesday 13 February 2013

NG 63

New game 63 is now available.

I'm having major issues with my home network, so the writeups are likely to be delayed until that is sorted out.

Round 1: L R R B A E I S H

I had BARREL, BAILERS (cricket deliveries that touch the bails but not the stumps), HAILERS, and BRASHER.  After time I noted BARRELS as another seven -- a bit odd that I did not have that as my first one.  I also checked on SHIRRABLE, but was not surprised that it was not listed.

Seven is the best; there's no joy with BARRELISH, and although the adjective BRASHY ("loosely fragmented; rubbishy") is listed, BRASHIER is not.

The other sevens are HARRIES, BEARISH, HERBALS (HERBAL: "a treatise on herbs or plants"), RAILERS (agent noun derived from RAIL in the sense of "to utter bitter complaint or vehement denunciation"), and BRASIER (variant spelling of BRAZIER: "a person who works in brass").

My selection: BRASHER

Round 2: C O E N G K U T I

I had ONCE, NECK, OUNCE, COUNT, and then the I gave -ING and TUCKING for seven.  I noted OUTING as a six, and that was it within time.

There are two other sevens: KETONIC (adjective derived from KETONE, a certain type of organic compound) / KENOTIC (adjective derived from KENOSIS: "Christ's renunciation of divine privilege at the incarnation in order that He might become entirely man while remaining truly God (based on Phil.2:6, 7, RV)").

My selection: TUCKING

Round 3: Target 571 from 25 75 7 3 6 8

The offsets for the standard method are 4 and 21, and I spotted that a little tweak of the latter would see me there: 571 = 7*(75 + 3) + 25.  Then I used the other option to get 571 = 8*75 - 25 - (7 - 3).

My selection: 571 = 7*(75 + 3) + 25

Round 4: M W U E B R A N U

I had UMBER, AMBER, URBAN, NUMBER, and URBANE.  I contemplated UBERMAN but rightly rejected it, and wish that the W had been a P for PENUMBRA.

Six turns out to be the best possible; the others are AUBURN, MANURE, BUREAU, BARMEN, and UMBRAE (one plural form of UMBRA: "shade; shadow").

My selection: NUMBER

Round 5: N S J D I E A P T

A good set of letters, aside from the J.  I had DINS, DINES, PAINED, PAINTED, and INSTEAD.  I also spotted DEPAINTS but I know that is not in the Macquarie.  After time I added PANTIES as another seven.

Sevens are the best to be done.  The others are SANDPIT / PANDITS (PANDIT: "(in India) a learned man; a scholar (used as a title of respect)"), PEDANTS / PENTADS (PENTAD: "a group of five"), STIPEND, DETAINS / STAINED / SAINTED / NIDATES (NIDATE: "to implant in a uterus"), and SAPIENT / PATINES (PATINE being a variant form of PATEN: "the plate on which the bread is placed in celebration of the Eucharist").

My selection: INSTEAD

Round 6: Target 907 from 100 8 9 10 4 5

A rather straightforward round; I went with 907 = 9*100 + 8 + 4 - 5.

My selection: 907 = 9*100 + 8 + 4 - 5

Round 7: F S R P O I A N A

I had PROFS, PRISON, SOPRANI / PARISON ("a preliminary shape or blank, from which a glass article is to be formed", although I had to check afterwards to be sure it was valid), INSOFAR (invalid, as it turns out -- it is only listed in the phrase INSOFAR AS), and FARINAS (FARINA: "flour or meal made from cereal grains, cooked as cereal or used in puddings, etc.").

If only that F had been a D then PARANOIDS would have been available.  But aside from that seven was the limit, and there's just the three of them listed above.

My selection: SOPRANI

Round 8: Target 457 from 50 6 8 2 3 9

The standard method works easily here, giving 457 = 9*50 + 8 + 2 - 3.  I also saved a number with a tweak from 400, via 457 = 8*(50 + 6) + 9.

My selection: 457 = 8*(50 + 6) + 9


A -ED ending looks likely, and the UN- beginning plays well with that.  It still took me a bit over twelve seconds to be confident enough about UNDELETED to try it.

My selection: UNDELETED (12.6s)

That conundrum solution gave me a maximal game, although it was a bit too slow to claim optimality on.  Still, it's always nice to do that.


Jan said...

First up today.

8*75 - 25 - (7-3) = 571
9*100 + 8 - (5-4) = 907
9*50 + 8/2 + 3 = 457

Mike Backhouse said...

Here are mine:

BARRELS (I suppose BARRELISH is out of the question?)
x- got this just after time 8*75-25-(3+(7-6))=571 (your last part was much simpler Jan!)
AMBER (NUMBER just after time)
UNDELETED (2 mins - not sure about this one)

And Geoff, don't worry about the delays, we all have computer problems! Thanks for putting up the games.

Victor said...

3. 571 = 7*(75 + 3) + 25
6. 907 = 9*100 + 8 + 4 - 5
8. 457 = 9*50 + 6 + 3 - 2
9. UNDELETED - 30.9s :/ just out of time

Sam Gaffney said...

Mike, BARRELISH is indeed out of the question.

I couldn't resist a couple of speculative full monty attempts, probably beacuse of not nominating LIMEWATER last week. They were optimistic...

3. 571 = 8*75 -25 -7 +3
6. 907 = 9*100 + 5 + 8/4
8. 457 = 9*50 + (6+8)/2
9. x 8.2s TUNNELLED (UNDELETED at around 20-something)